The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) has begun to enforce International Ship and Port Facility Security Codes. The Nigerian government will fly black flags above ports that are out of compliance, and Nigerian flags over those that are. These measure have been initiated to move along the nation-wide effort to secure its ports […]
Game Changer
The government of Nigeria has drafted new laws that further regulate the private maritime security industry, which will cause many private security contractors to cease operations in the country. Although there have been laws attempting to tighten regulation of this industry, they are not having the desired effect– the new laws are intended to close loopholes […]
Gulf of Guinea Pirate Attack on the Edison Chouest
By Tom Clarke The recent piracy attack, hijacking and kidnapping of two U.S. sailors off the coast of Nigeria is a very clear indication to stakeholders that the piracy landscape has shifted, not only regionally but also tactically. While Indian Ocean piracy attacks are on the decline, the International Maritime Bureau reports that Gulf of […]